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What kind of wax does Real Brazilian Wax use?

Hard wax (Honey) is used for sensitive parts (Brazilian, Under Arms, Face), and soft wax for less sensitive skin (Legs, Arms, Stomach, Back) and for extremely sensitive skin we recommend sugaring wax.


Can I get waxed if I am pregnant?

Yes. But before coming to your appointment, consult with your doctor.


Should I trim my hair?


No, please do not trim your hair. If trimming is necessary, your esthetician will take care of it.


How often should I get waxed?

For beginners, 4 weeks to keep the skin clean and start to weaken the hair so that it stops growing, after 4 months the esthetician will tell you if it is possible to start moving to 5 to 6 weeks. Remembering that everything depends on the hair, each person has a different type and growth time.


Can I get waxed if I am on my period?

Yes. But before you come to the appointment, make sure it is clean and has tampons. It is always better to wait until your period passes, because five days before and during menstruation, women are more sensitive to pain.


Do you have any age restrictions on waxing?

There is no age restriction for waxing, but the earlier you start, the better.


When should I start exfoliating?

You should start exfoliating after 72 hours of max, every other day.


Can I work out after getting a wax?

Yes, unless you do physical activity that causes you to sweat or have some type of friction in the waxing area.


What if I’m taking medications?

Taking antibiotics or topical acne medicines (including Accutane, Differin, Retin A, prednisone, or corticosteroids) may make skin more sensitive and susceptible to some skin lifting.


What is the cancellation policy?

We require at least a 24-hour notice to cancel any appointment. A credit card number is needed to hold your reservation. Once an appointment is booked – unless we hear otherwise – we’ll expect you to be there. No-shows will be charged 50% of the service booked to the card number with which they were held.


How long does hair have to be to wax?


1/4-inch long


Your hair must be at least 1/4-inch long, or around the size of a grain of rice, before you wax. This helps ensure that hair is completely removed from the root. If this is your first-time waxing, try to grow out hair from your most previous hair removal for around 2 weeks.

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